2023 F3A World Championship

From Andrew Jesky

Warning this will probably ramble on a bit. First and foremost, congrats to Lassi for his amazing performance and world champion. I also want to congratulate each and every competitor who made the effort of practicing, traveling, and competing in the worlds. It is a task that many never truly understand until they have done it. While there can only be one winner at the contest, everyone should be proud of the efforts they put in and sacrifices made to fly at the WC.

It didn’t seem like 4 years since the last worlds but what an amazing country in Australia to host the contest. From the second we landed, to the last second we spent in Australia the people were nothing short of amazing. Our modeling community is a family and this trip showed that, Aaron David Gemma opened up there beautiful home to help sort models out, shower, sleep, and eat. The laughs we shared in the shop are a memory I’ll forever cherish.

Tyson Macklin Jordana Dodd you guys are what modeling is all about. From getting our first introduction to feeling like part of your guys family in a weeks time was so amazing. I cannot wait to share more time together with your amazing family. Keep having fun Mack and I know you’ll succeed in your goals you set for yourself, and you already have made your mom dad very proud.

Daniel Wheeler Bailey Wheeler what can I say but I felt like we were separated at birth. Dan your energy matches none other and your kids light up when your around. Getting to not only know you, but Bailey and Chloe this week was special to me! Better be careful, Paige and myself might steal your kids, and you can tag along as well haha. Frazer Briggs, Sean Galloway Hamish Galloway Ewan Galloway Steve Johnson Team New Zealand, I feel like we picked up right where we left off in 2017, just getting more time to spend together, enjoying the laughs, the practice sessions, all of it is what aeromodeling is all about. Marcelo Velez and Sergio Velasquez Aristizabal you guys are always such a wonderful group of friends and a pleasure to get to catch up with in person. I didn’t know I’d get a chance to fly Sergio’s plane this contest but he allowed me to fly it with no ailerons during practice 😂. To my team UncleJas Shulman , Pete Collinson, Joseph Bradley Walker we set out for a goal to do the best we could and feel like we succeeded to the best of our abilities. These trips are long, tiresome, and just a long grind but we all put our heads down and did the work and it paid off. Super proud of everyone and their support system to get to the contest and put in the flights.

Ac Glenn my homie! No one knows the work you put in to help get me ready for this contest. The long days at the field, the nights at the house working on models. Saying thank you will never be enough, you're my brother from another mother, and super proud of the journey with you.

Mark Atwood thank you for agreeing to call for me at this contest, the decision to travel 9000 miles, with airplane boxes, is not an easy one but having you with me this trip was so much fun. The Oreo stops, the peanut butter breaks, peanut m&m’s, and our great conversations in the van while driving are some I’ll for sure remember and forever be indebted to you for. I’ve known you for almost 30 years now and have to say probably matured the most due to you and your experiences. Scott Bauerschmidt thank you for all you’ve done for my family and myself. These planes wouldn’t have made the trip safely without you building the boxes and not to mention the fun we’ve had over the last several years enjoying the memories.

Kevin Young man I missed having you there to share in the laughter but trust me I was thinking of you and Sarah Young often and loved the videos that you guys sent.

Gary Courtney you have helped out more than anyone ever knows. We had a few setbacks as we got close to the contest and you were right there to help with whatever you could. I cannot thank you enough for this as well as just our friendship. You are as real as they come and thank you so much for all this help.

Darin Peirce and my Utah family you guys have taken me in, when I lived there, and now that it’s a quick trip into slc you guys always welcome me with open arms and love every second of it.

To my family, mom and dad, who would have thought going out to the flying field at 7 with Joe would have turned into this amazing ride we have been on. So many memories we’ve gotten to experience. I’ve learned as I get older it’s not the actual destination but who we get to spend the time with, and since I’ve been little you’ve always been the people I look for in the crowd after I’ve landed from a flight. I’m just trying to make you guys proud of the man you’ve raised me to be each and everyday.

Paige Adair, I don’t know where to start but you’ve come into my life and absolutely made me a better man from the start. You’ve showed me to believe in myself, when I start to doubt myself your the first person who tells me I can do anything I set my mind to. Seeing how everyone in Australia loved your infectious personality made me smile more than I have in a long time. I loved looking back to see you with a group of people gathered around and you were in the center drawing there smiles and attention. Your the bright light in any room and getting to walk in with you on my arm makes time the luckiest man ever. To each and everyone who reac hed out before, during, and after the contest I appreciate each and every one of those messages of encouragement! The pattern community is so strong and I loved everyone of those messages as it got me pumped up.

To my sponsors I cannot thank you all enough. There is something to be said about each time I go to fly never once having to worry about if something was going to work or not. I flew hundreds of flights getting prepared for this contest and not so much ever had to think of any part of my model not functioning correctly!

  • Yang Yong Proteus WC
  • Vera Falcon propeller
  • Andres AP contra drive
  • Skylar Yasuichi Futaba RC
  • Vincent Egodrift motors
  • Kim Thunder Power RC
  • Danny powerbox USA

In closing I didn’t take a lot of photos as I knew there would be plenty taken, but instead lived and loved the worlds through my eyes and just enjoyed the scenery, the beauty of the world around me and tried to let time slow down a bit and feel like a kid again.